Saturday, July 13, 2013

I had traveled to Eagle River, AK a couple of years ago to spend some time with my sister and her family. She and her husband are both in the United States Air Force and were on a six year tour there.

One afternoon, I was out with my sister and she had me drive using the navigation system; to help me learn my way around. We would key in a destination and the system would give me points on when and where to turn. It warned me about 200 to 300 meters ahead of my points; so that I could be prepared to execute. It would also inform me again at the point of execution. However, each and every time, I kept missing the marks; therefore, missing my turnoffs. And after about the 5th or 6th time of this happening, it dawned on me that the Lord was revealing the answer to my question to Him that morning. When I got up to pray that morning, I’d asked the Lord to reveal to me the areas in my life that were displeasing to Him. Later that afternoon, while I was driving and attempting to use the navigation system- becoming very frustrated- after I missed the last mark, it hit me like a bolt of lightening surging through my spirit. I shouted out, “Oh, my Goodness!!” My sister looked at me, in bewilderment, and asked, “What!?” I explained what I had prayed about that morning and what I felt God was revealing to me through something as simple as driving and using the navigation system.

He revealed to me that I did not release the control to Him. I did not trust Him with my life, as I should have, and therefore I lacked in faith and that was the reason why I was also missing out on the blessings He had for me...

It is impossible to have faith in God without trust and we can’t trust God to lead, if we are always trying to control the situation ourselves. We pray and ask God to lead and guide us as His word says He will do in Proverbs 3: 5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” …But as soon as a situation arise, we become anxious, take back the wheel and get back into the driver’s seat; while making God the backseat driver. In some instances the backseat passenger. He is the One with all of the directions, all of the instructions, and all of the information we’ll ever need- but we make Him the backseat driver…or passenger? The word says to cast all our cares upon Him; because His yoke is easy and His burden is light. –Matthew 11: 30. …Not ours, but His. Once we turn it over and cast our cares upon Him, we have to let it go. Psalm 37: 5 says, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” Matthew 7: 13-14 AMP says, “Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it.”

It wasn’t that I was having a hard time understanding how to use the navigation system. I didn’t trust it. I would not let go of the control; feeling that I knew better- even though the navigation system proved to be correct each and every time. It’s a wonder that the female voice in the system, which sounded so patient, did not come alive and tell me a thing or two about being hard-headed. (lol) …As such, God revealed to me through this maneuver that I was not putting my trust in Him; not allowing Him to control my destiny. Every time I missed a mark or turn, the navigation system would take about a minute or two, depending on where we were, to recalculate my direction. One time, it seemed to take close to five minutes- which could seem like forever when you are driving in unfamiliar territory, trying to find your way around, and desperately needing direction all at the same time.

With the designed purpose, plan and destiny in the Lord, imagine how these minutes of being off course, on the wrong road convert into months…maybe years of loss (prosperity, wholeness, supply and sufficiency, blessed to be a blessing) when we don’t let go and let God. So, during this time we are off course on the wrong road, we are out of the will of God. And because of this, we end up spending more time -extra time- getting to the planned destination God has for our lives- which is something so wonderful and fulfilling! You may ask, “Well, how can that be?” Once you realize that God is your only source for everything and allow Him to lead in your life, you now have to work your way back to the point where you stopped trusting -this takes time- and then continue working your way from there to the destination God has for you.

When we think we know better than God. …When we hold onto the control, because we don’t trust Him enough to lead and guide us. …Every time we think we can do it better than Him, we end up off course going down the wrong road on a journey He did not plan for us. This can result in undo trials and struggles. Being on the wrong road traveling toward the wrong destination will amount to a great loss of precious time; time that could have been spent effectively serving and giving God all of His Glory. …Time spent missing out on His will equaling to time missing out on His blessings. But thanks be to God that after we mess up, come to Him and repent, fully submissive, He is always there with open and loving arms ready to put us back on the destination He planned for us. …Just as the father did in the parable of the prodigal son –Luke 15: 11-32.

It is good to be in the Hands of God and have Him in control of our destiny. I heard a pastor preach one time, “I’m glad man did not hold my destiny. Too many times when people mess up we throw them away; but that’s not God. I don’t care how bad you’ve fallen, I don’t care how bad you’ve messed up, God still has a plan for your life. …God still has a purpose. …I don’t care who has counted you out. …God says, ‘“yes,’” that settles it. And you can just rest in that.” -Dr. Yvonne Capehart. 

One of the first things God will do after placing you back on His road is direct you to His word. This is the area where not being attentive to His word and lack in trusting Him began. His word says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. …So let Go and let God.

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